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The Sport Star Academy School Grants initiative has been set up to reinvigorate children’s love for sport. Sport Star Academy also appreciate schools may be lacking in funding or resources for a dedicated sport program that is professionally run and that’s where we come in.

We are a dedicated team of professionals passionate about getting children moving and promoting physical literacy. Did you know that 1 in 4 children are overweight or obese?

And that overall physical activity levels of Australian children were graded a D-

The number of young Australian’s undergoing knee reconstruction (ACL) surgery has risen more than 70% in the last 15 years* WHY? Because children are not physically literate.

We need to go back to basics and allow children to master the fundamental skills such as hopping, skipping, jumping, throwing and catching. Sedentary lifestyles (too much screen time) also contribute to increased injury rated associated with young players. 

We want to create the movement of change for tomorrow’s grassroots leaders.

LEARN - learning the skills of sport within a professional and safe environment

LEAD - skills learned in sport are skills for life. These include team work, commitment, honesty and integrity

GROW - students grow and develop into good human beings


*Medical Journal of Australia 2018